Monday, April 30, 2007


Today was a good day. I felt somewhat productive (I didn't get as much done as I liked, but there's always tomorrow). I got my stuff done at church after getting Stephanie off to school. I actually made storytime at the library with Kacie and ran into an old friend. Then I had lunch with another friend. I really had a good time today. I know the nice weather helped too.

1 c. Crispix, 1c. milk (4pts)
Large Chef's salad (5 pts.)
Oreo 100 Calorie pack (2 pts)
Hb Helper Cheesy Hashbrowns, greenbeans (10 pts)
Banana Smoothie (4 pts)
Water -- Not enough....why do I have such a hard time with this?????

I started Week 2 of the UWC over this week. I was supposed to make 1/2 mile in 12 minutes. Well I did that in 9 minutes so I thought I would push myself for the 3/4 mile and the 1 mile. Well I did the 3/4 mile in 15.5 minutes and the 1 mile in 20 minutes. I'm going to have to work on the 1 mile, but I think it was because of all the singing I was doing while walking. Stephanie insisted on singing EVERY song she knew while we were walking. Boy was I out of breath and songs by the end of our walk.

I didn't get to cook for Charlie tonight, but I did cook for us girls. He'll get left overs tomorrow night. It wasn't anything exciting: Hamburger Helper and green beans.

Well after this weekend's cleaning I really didn't want to do anything with house cleaning today. However, I did work on finishing last weeks chores that I didn't get done. Luckily since this weeks chores focus on the living room, it will be a light week for house work.

I haven't done one in a while, so I'm looking forward to getting back into the groove of things tonight. It's amazing to me how easily I let this slip from my daily routine. I'll post 2 of them tomorrow night (or I might just start posting the one from the night before each day).

Throughout these last few weeks I have been learning about myself and how easily I get distracted from my goals by life. I'm trying to use this knowledge each day to make better choices for tomorrow.

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