Tuesday, May 1, 2007


I'm so excited today!!! I went shopping today at the Avenue. I got the cutest denim skirt. Not only did I get a $40 skirt for $10, but I also had to get a smaller size!!!!!!! YEA ME!! Can you tell I'm pumped.

1 c. Crispix, 1 c. Milk
Pizza at Cici's
3 tacos from Taco Bell

Not my best day food wise, but I had some wiggle room and I used it.

I was supposed to do 1/2 mile in 10 minutes. Well, I did 1/2 mile for sure and it was probably in 10 minutes. "Why the uncertainty?" you ask. Let me tell you. Kacie decided about 2 minutes into my walk to throw a huge fit. Flailing arms, sreaming at the top of her lungs, laying over the side of the stroller, turning around in her seat, getting out of the seat belt......you get the picture. Needless to say, we turned around early and headed home. Today's exercise certainly did nothing to relieve any stress. There's always tomorrow's walk.

I didn't have to cook tonight for Charlie, so I just didn't cook. I'm going to have to work on this. I hope it will get easier as the girls get older and will help me eat what I cook.

I didn't do anything major on the house today. However, Stephanie and I worked on cleaning up her toys tonight before going to bed. Her favorite line is "Is that enough Mommy?" We are working on no toys on the floor in her room and in the living room. We're not quite there, but she's really working on it. I also did 2 loads of dishes and 2 loads of clothes.

Last nights devotional was totally for me. The title was "How do you do what you do?" It was about looking at other mom's and judging myself based on what they do and how much they get done. One of the topics was about having a plan and learning to say NO! I sure do need to learn that word. I often find myself overextended because I'm a helper by nature. How can a small word be so hard to say??

Another topic was about delegating; another area I have difficulty with. I want it done "right" so I just do it myself instead of letting others help me and do it their way. Their way's not right, right??? Lord please help me. She listed 3 questions to ask yourself: 1) Is this something only I can do? 2) Is this something someone else can do with a little guidance? 3) Is this something I should let someone else do?

The final topic was learning the difference between my calling as a mother and my responsibilties. It was about not looking around for validation as a mother and a wife and instead looking to God for that validation. Lysa says very clearly that no on knows my family better than God does, so why not start asking Him to guide my footsteps and pathways to meet each of them where they are?

Lord, please help me depend on You and look to You for reassurance.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Go Deb! Great to hear about the new size (and sale! :)) Keep it up and don't get discouraged about the dinner. I cook for me quite a bit. Just tell yourself he gets the leftovers for work!