Yesterday was a difficult day, but today was even worse. Yesterday I had to constantly tell myself I wasn't hungry so I wouldn't eat anything extra. Today I totally got off my goal. Thank goodness there's always tomorrow. Back to the grindstone.
I really don't want to talk about it.
2 slices cinnamon raisin bread, 1 c. milk (6pts)
1 cheese enchilada, 1 bean tostada, rice, beans, tea (15 pts)
Cheese burger deluxe casserole w/ground turkey (7pts)
100 calorie pack chips ahoy cookies (2 pts)
Frosted mini wheats, 1 c. milk (5 pts)
Turkey sandwich on wheat, broccoli cheese soup, tea (stopped counting here)
2 1/2 slices pizza
3/4 dreamcicle ice cream bar
4/18--Charlie, the girls and I did UWC 3/4 mile in 15 minutes. TWT--23 minutes. I also never stopped moving while cleaning around the house all day.
4/19--Well I never stopped moving today, but only because the wheels on my car were moving. We are going to do today's walk early in the morning.
Well yesterday's housework was bittersweet. We took alot of things to the Crisis Pregnancy Center. It was so nice to get the baby things out of Kacie's room, but so sad to think how fast she's growing up. We also took some other things to the Battered Women's Thrift Shop. Clutter is moving away!!!! I spent the afternoon cleaning, vacuuming, and dusting both girls' rooms. They sure look good now. I can't wait until they do this on their own.
Today, I unloaded and reloaded the dishwasher, but wasn't home the rest of the day to work on the house. I'm going to finish "Flying" tomorrow. I just have the girls' bathroom to clean and I'll be done for the week.
4/18--Cheeseburger Deluxe Casserole
4/19--Pizza thanks to the in-laws
It's too ironic that I did so much house cleaning yesterday because the devotional last night was about "bringing in the recruits"--making your children responsible for chores around the house. Steph helps out with the dishes (plastics and silverware) and sometimes helps with the laundry. I really liked her ideas/strategies for getting children to do chores. I think this summer I'm going to work on teaching Stephanie to be more responsible for her things and start working on chores. Boy, won't THAT be FUN!!!
I sure am glad that each day is a new day. I need a new, refreshing start tomorrow!
The chores thing is a great idea. Paris LOVES doing her "jobs" and gets upset if I do them for her. Her responsibilities are these: help unload the dishwasher (except knives and heavy dishes), clean the lint catcher in the dryer, fold and put away her socks and panties, clean her room up DAILY. OK, she doesn't love cleaning her room, but we don't let her get up from rest time until she's done it. She also helps us cook a lot. She's an excellent "dumper" of ingredients and is learning to help chop things with Easy and stir thing with me. Tripp's jobs are still minimal as he's not yet 3. He does help me with laundry though. He likes getting everything in and out of the W/D. We're working on the cleaning up of toys. That was a long comment.......hope some of it is useful!
When you can get yourself over the big humps, everything else should seem like a breeze! Kudo's Debbie!
Well after teaching you know there will sometimes be those rough days! Keep it up anyway and don't let it break your spirit. God has put the desire for a better you in your heart not only for your kiddos but for your personal confidence too! Pick up the phone on those hard days and I will try my best to help you.
Hello my friend - it's been a few days, are you OK?
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