Thursday, May 24, 2007

It's been a while

Things have been going well, but we have been busy. It is so hard to get on here after the kids go to bed because I'm so tired.

My weight has been steady for the last few days. While it isn't going down, I'm happy it isn't going up either.

My walking has faltered some this week. I guess I'm going to have to start doing it in the morning. I find too many excuses not to do it in the evening. The girls aren't helping either (well Steph is, but Kacie isn't).

I have been doing better cooking at home. We still have our moments, but I'm trying to get things decided before he heads home so I can be ready to cook.

Cleaning has been going okay. We havent' been following our plan as far as cleaning goes, but the rooms we've already worked on have stayed clean. Now we just need to get back to work and finish up the rest of the things.

Devotionals have been come and go. I have been reading some Christian fiction lately to catch up on the series I accidentally started in the middle and now her new book just came out. I also started a new book club that will focus on Christian literature. I'm excited about that. I know I need to get back into my devotionals. I guess I'm gonna have to work on them earlier too.

We have been spending a lot of time in our garden. Stephanie is so excited. We have been able to eat some of our green beans. We picked Stephanie's first tomato (she's been bugging us for weeks about whether or not it was ready to pick), and she'll have lots more in the coming weeks. We also picked our first cucumber, but we gave it away. There's lots more where that came from. I've been getting out early in the morning to polinate my mother's squash. It's hard to do that now each morning since she told me I was having "squash sex". Who woulda thunk it?

Now that summer's here, I know I'll be busy. Stephanie is constantly wanting to play school and work on her writing. Today she drew a picture of a "mommy". I knew exactly what it was, but no one else did. Guess you'd have to be a teacher. We are going to be doing the summer reading program and working on letter and number recognition.

Hope everyone else has a great summer!

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