Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday, Monday

Today was a good day overall, but I had to make some difficult choices. We had a group of friends get together this morning, and they all brought something DELICIOUS to eat. I just had to try everything; somethings more than once. All of this was also after having a donut for breakfast. It's a good thing I wasn't hungry after the meeting because I had to go really light on lunch. I guess the good thing is I'm learning I have to make sacrifices and choices if I want to be successful in my goals.

Well you know how that went. Thank goodness tomorow's another day.

I did go on my walk this evening at the mall. Charlie took the girls upstairs to play while I walked. I'm not sure exactly how far I walked but I'm pretty sure it was close to a mile.

We didn't do too much on the house today, just 1 load of laundry. Charlie's staying up for nights tonight so I'm going to see if he'll help. We did go out in our garden again today and get some more green beans. It's a good thing I like them. I think we're going to have plenty this year.

Not tonight, but I do have things set out for tomorrow night.

I'll post tomorrow. I just haven't gotten around to it today.


sarahdawn said...

Where are you friend? I hope things are going well. Just wanted to check in on you...........

Jenn said...

Hey Deb! Haven't seen anything in a while. Hope this is still going ok!