Monday, July 2, 2007


We just got back from our vacation to my grandparents. We left last Wednesday and came back late Saturday night. I would love to tell you all that it was very relaxing and stress free, but that would be a BIG lie. First off it rained the entire time we were gone. Two kids cooped up inside a strange place without their know we were having fun. The girls did very well the first day and a half. The last full day we were there was very stressful for everyone. The girls were tired of being inside and my grandmother doesn't handle children well.

I will say at first I was concerned as to whether or not I would be able to keep to my plan. It's hard to do when most of my family isn't as concerned about their health as I am right now. I did make it a point to eat smaller portions and only eat until I was full. At our family reunion I took desserts I could eat so I would be less inclined to eat the ones I shouldn't.

While I was there I also spent quite a bit of time writing down some of hte important ideas I learned while reading my two Joyce Meyer books. I will say that today I finished typing it and it was 11 pages long. It felt so good to get it on paper so I have something to refer to in the future. Like I said in an earlier post, she never said anything I didn't already know, she just put it in terms I could really grasp. I'm going to start focusing on one concept a week (at least a week) next week. I'm going to spend the rest of this week reviewing what I wrote and praying about where I need to start.

I am excited to say that I am now almost 3 months into this and I have lost 17 pounds!!!!! I am so excited. I'm looking forward to reaching that 20 lb. mark. I'm trying to decide what my reward will be (not food). I'm trying not to buy any new clothes until closer to the fall, but I'm not sure if I'll make it until then or not. What a problem to have.

Hope everyone has a great holiday!

1 comment:

sarahdawn said...

Yea on 17!! I'm at 13 last time I weighed and I have two pair of shorts that are justplain TOO BIG!! I am blessed to have some friends in the all around me sizes that we are sort of swapping clothes as we go. I'm proud of you!!