Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Well today was my 3rd week of WW meetings, and this week I GAINED 2.9 pounds. I know, wrong direction right. I am so frustrated!!!!!!!! I followed the "plan" to the letter and this week even used my extra points, since I only lost a little last week and didn't use any. When I was on the program before when I stayed at the top of my limit, I tended to lose more weight. Well not this time. I know I'm about to start my period and all of my cheerleaders are saying that's the reason I gained weight this week, but it's still so darn frustrating.

I know my exercise is lacking so I guess I'm going to have to step it up (or actually start doing it again) and see if that makes a difference. I am so ready to get into the gym on a regular basis. I know I can exercise at home. Charlie says if I'd just spend more time working on the house than I do on the computer and sewing, I'd be exercising. I know he's just trying to help.

On a happier note a friend and I are going to start making little girls' dresses and girls' shirts out of bandanas and selling them. And we're making bows that match. If anyone's interested, I'm taking orders (:D). I'm sort of excited, but sort of reserved too. It's a big step of faith doing this and at least I know she's got my kind of faith behind us too.

Well, here's to a better week next week. Please be praying for me. I'm really struggling.

1 comment:

sarahdawn said...

I am praying for you. And your cheerleaders are right about the whole period thing. As I was starting this month I gained and lost 4 pounds in three days. Be patient. God honors commitment.