Now before you get too excited, this is the title of a book I'm reading by Kerry & Chris Shook, pastors of a church in the Woodlands. The reason I'm posting this blog is that the authors want you to be accountable to someone as you work on this process of creating a "No Regrets Life".
I've decided I want to make the dash worth something. I've always heard that it's the dash on your gravestone that matters, and I want to make my matter.
I know that's what God has been calling me to all year. I've just been trying to ignore Him. Well, on Pentecost Sunday, I went to a wonderful church service. The preacher was talking about how to get the Holy Spirit to move in our lives. He said that the Holy Spirit can't move in CHAOS. Well that's what my life has been of late. My life is chaos, my house is chaos, and I need to do something about it.
Several quotes have really made me think as I've begun reading this book.
1. Death is more universal than life; everyone dies but not everyone lives. -- Alan Sachs
2. Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. -- Anonymous
3. Somebody should tell us, right at the start of our lives, that we are dying. Then we might live life to the limit, every minute of every day. Do it, I say! Whatever you want to do, do it now! There are only so many tomorrows. --Pope Paul VI
I'm tired of living for Someday...."Someday, I'm going to do ...." "When I _______, I'll do ______" God has called us to live today. "SOMEDAY IS RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!"
Please be praying for me. I want to be all that God has created me to be. Also, please ask me in 30 days (well 28 now), on June 24th how my life has changed.
Love to you all!!!!